Have you created a pet site that you're proud of? How would you like some awards to add to that site of yours?

All you have to do is join Ferretmom's Top Pet Site Contest and get your friends to vote for you.

Like the contest Regina and I have at R&C's, I have a Contestant award for joining and also awards for the top 3 winners.

Contest Rules

You must have a PET SITE to enter.

Awards will be presented once a month to the site with the most votes.

Voting ends at 9 a.m. New York time on the last day of the month and the winner will be displayed on the Contest Winner page.

There must be at least three sites entered for the contest to begin.

All counters will be set to 0 at the start of each contest.

You have the option of using the button sent to you when you join or the Contestant award as your vote button.

Voting Hints

The script used in this contest will only allow one vote per browser number.

The best way to have your votes added to your In box is to put your vote button on your e-mail and send it out to all your friends as well as putting it on your site.

If you wait for the update every 15 minutes, you should be able to vote again, however, if you don't feel like waiting, you can hang up and log-in again. This will change your browser number and you'll be able to continue voting.


Are you all ready to sign up? Just click below where you see "Join contest" and when you reach the contest page, click where you see the option to join near the top of the page.

If you want to use a banner, remember to take the addy with you when you sign up and you'll also need the height and width of your banner so write it down so you won't forget.


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