In case of any emergency you should have:
Veterinarian name and back up emergency care 24 hour emergency center that handles ferrets
Ferrets current medical information
Rabbies and Distemper
proof of Vacination
Picture and Identifying marks
Gauze bandage rolls
3% Hydrogen peroxide
Antibacterial ointment
Eyewash (.9 to .2% boric acid)
Styptic pencil
Damp tea bags are also useful for stopping the bleeding you get from cutting a toenail too short.
Karo Syrup or Honey
Rectal thermometer....apprx... 101
Chemical ice pack
Towels and washcloths
Bottle Water
Food in a plastic baggy
I don't suggest you keep the food bagged for longer than a couple of weeks, even dry food has a tendency of spoiling especially in hot weather.
Pencil and Paper, for writing down symptoms.
If you feel the emergency is life threatening CALL your vet and get the ferret there AS quickly as you can.
Dehydration can be fatal to your ferret. An easy way of telling if your little guy is dehydrated is when you pinch the skin as in scruffing the skin on the back of his neck, it does not jump back but stays together. If this should happen and you can't get your ferret to take any fluids by mouth, take your ferret immediately to the vet.
The nose and mouth should be pink, if pale to white, this could be internal bleeding, get this ferret to the vet.
If Diarrhea persists for more then one day, or if black and tarry, or if blood can be seen at any time get the ferret to the vet. One loose stool, or one missed meal, does not make an emergency,BUT if this continues it does!!
If you suspect something is wrong, go by your suspicions, this can not only save your ferrets life, but may save you financially in the long run.
Dr Kemmerer West End Animal Hospital 352-376-1373
Gary Holowicki Holistic Care and has his own tonics.... available to talk to at no charge.. 602-957-3112
The above two Veternarins are well known in specialized ferret care, Both are available for phone consultation and charge by the call to a credit card. They will talk to owners regarding health problems, but will also consult with your veterinarian, I do no know if they charge for a veterinarian consultation fee. Would seem better to have your vet call then being a middle person.
Gary has a tonic he has formulated for ferrets if you have time read his site. He has a great deal of knowledge in herbs and vitamins and ferrets. He also has a lot of ferret medical knowledge, and is willing to help ferret owners. He lives in Arizona so place your evening call accordingly. I have heard praises of his Timmys' Tonic throughout the ferret community. Timmy & Friends Ferret Page
You can set up a litter box with a ramp made from towels so it's easy to get in and out of for them. If there are any accidents they are easy to clean.
Make sure you have any vanity drawers secured shut, if it is there they will investigate!! Remove the toilet paper!! Keep the toilet lid closed!! Set an area up with clean white cotton sheets a place for food and water, and of course the hopefully used litter box with a ramp to get into it and out from all directions which are not against a wall.
I think using the white sheets for bedding is good because if there is any post operative bleeding you will see it immediately, and there is no fuzz to adhere to their stitches.
When preparing these sheets let them go through an extra rinse to make sure there is no residual bleach or soap.
Giving medication in a confined area is much easier, especially where there are no distractions.
If your ferret has cage mates you can reintroduce them slowly and they can have visiting hours in this room until the post operative ferret is ready to join the group.
Follow the vets instructions and always have an after hours number to reach him. It always seems like emergencies come up when no one is around!! Make a list of your questions to ask BEFORE picking up your fur face, and write the answers down. In excitement we tend to forget, this has nothing to do with age!!
Always support your ferret front and hind when picking him up. When giving medication always sit on the floor, if they bolt it is a short way to the floor.
A radio playing soft music is a comforting sound, and gives the ferret assurance of someone around. A lot of the recovery will depend on your nursing skills, if you think something is wrong, or are not certain of something call the vet.
Ferrets do not like medicine but they MUST have it, so just put your mind to this, and give it per instructions. It is for the ferrets best interest. I always ask for a little more then I need because I know a lot will be spilled or spit out, and I always give just a tiny bit more because of the way mine will spit. That way I am assured of almost getting the right amount in them.